Do the students or teachers need laptops or tablets?2022-11-27T21:13:21+08:00

Our programme is customisable. If the students are accustomed to using laptops in the classroom, we can adjust to leverage it. It is not an issue if they are not because we believe innovation does not depend on specific tools.

Which cities areas do you cover?2022-11-27T21:50:02+08:00

We are based in Australia and mainly service Perth Metro in person. We also run online sessions for any part of the world.

How do you handle COVID lockdowns?2022-11-27T21:52:55+08:00

We are ready to switch to the digital format on the spot. We have the digital tools and expertise to take the workshops 100% online.

Do you issue certificates of completion?2022-11-27T21:55:07+08:00

Yes we do.

Who will be running the programme?2022-11-27T21:55:26+08:00

Our programmes are run by industry and education specialists.

Do you provide any resources for teachers?2022-11-27T22:02:40+08:00

The resources we share outside our programmes (curriculum alignment, playbook, guides, diagrams) are available in the blog section of this site.

Are your programmes customisable?2022-11-27T21:48:06+08:00

Yes! Not two classrooms are the same. Before running the programmes in class, we plan the activities with the classroom teacher. This way, we can shape them to suit your unique needs and meet you where you and your class are on the journey.

How would your programmes help with curriculum evaluation?2022-11-27T21:12:38+08:00

Every student who is part of the programme will receive a Neovate playbook. They will use the playbook to track and document their design process. Teachers can use the playbook for evaluation.

How does Design Thinking compare to other frameworks?2022-11-27T21:12:30+08:00

Check out our Framework comparison page.

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